Missy Elliott, Human Connection, and Snacks: We’re Digging It

#werediggingit; #periodicgoodness; "Missy Elliott, Human Connection, and Snacks: We’re Digging It" by Kat Kelly

Kat Kelly – Boom chicka, friends. Another week down and I’m here drafting five things that are delivering greatness today. Actually, arguably these things deliver greatness every single day, but today they are extra special.

  1. So many lyrics from this make me a very, very happy girl. Remind me to make that video where I demonstrate my shockingly good rap skills. In the meantime, let Missy Elliott deliver properly. Work it out, y’all.
  1. Seriously, could there be anything more delicious looking than these Samoa-looking pineapple and coconut rings ? I haven’t made them yet because that requires a cooking-type event. But, I’m going to and they may make the Weekly Five as a replay then. In the meantime, I will be thinking about them. Let us know if you try them!
  2. This is honest to goodness goodness in this piece that discusses the findings on a study that reveals the importance of connection versus competition as a key to our happiness.
  3. Over the coming couple of years, I definitely think we are going to see a shift in how we as humans “work.” The Inbox Zero movement, the no-screen-before-bed proponents, and the this-is-how-to-organize-your-day folks all have great tips. James Clear writes about Mental Drag and makes some cool recommendations to clear your head and work to your highest potential.
  4. Next up I was going to post a link to a TED Talk I am in the middle of watching. But, I have not finished it, so that would be cheating. With that in mind, we have been Amazon shopping fiends this week. Plus, we just found out that Amazon Prime Now is in our ‘hood. Hellur. What do I love the most from this week’s purchases? So much, but the winner really is Glutenfreeda Oatmeal. No seriously, y’all. This stuff is the jam. Definitely check it out from your favorite whole foods retailer!

We hope you enjoy checking out this cool list of goodness. In the meantime, take care of yourselves and never stop inspiring others!


Kat Kelly is the founder of Vexteo.