Thanks for checking out what we are working on. You can see some of the active focus areas right here in real time. We are calling for submissions across any of the active channels.
In the meantime, we are working as fast as we can on getting new channels up to reflect the world in which we share. These are just a few on our radar that we hope and plan to launch soon:

Life in Color: listening and learning from the diverse voices around us. We’re looking for new voices to share.
Pets: how pets impact our world.
Ability: examining accessibility and amplifying the voices of those of us who are differently-abled.
Men of VXT: beyond the bro code, we’re looking for stories from men about living authentically.
Millennialnation: we want to learn from the largest generation since the Boomers.
Generation Z: stories from the future. We’re looking at you!
Our Prime: Boomers and beyond; what do you want the world to know?
Sustainable Planet: We only have one Earth, let’s learn from one another how to best care for her.
But, we don’t know it all, so we are looking for other ideas that you would like to see. Love an idea for a channel? Please tell us! You ask. We provide the channel.
So, if you have something you want to share for in these topic areas, want to share new channel ideas, or know someone who might that we should connect with, please reach out to us at or across any of our social channels.
Thank you. Please keep doing all the good you can in this world. There’s a bunch more to come.
Vexteo. These are your stories…