Reflect. Refresh. Revise. Take Action. How Do you Measure a Year?

Photo Source: Hello I'm Nik via Unsplash.

Kat Kelly – I’ve had some things fall apart this year.

Unexpectedly. Disappointingly. Unexplainably. Expensively. Stupidly. And quite frankly, weirdly.

But as I sit and spin in my wondering and my disappointment, I also sit in my moments of wondering why the universe has sent so many mixed messages and “almost” moments, only to have them fall through in very odd ways.

I could just sit in that. But, as I reflect back and dig in, explore, talk to God, and listen to myself, I find meaning in the moments.

Those soul-searching moments leave me to understand that the universe is conspiring for my goodness. It’s sending me those mixed signals so I can see and feel what I want, but so that I don’t lose sight of who I am and what I need in the process. It’s truly helping me to ensure that I make sensible decisions and that I set my sights in the direction that I want to go. But, that I begin to look at carving a new path on how to get there.

It’s also helping me get clarity and focus on who is truly there to help me. Who is along for the ride and who is only in it for themselves. Identifying those people and how I need to navigate the curvy channels helps me to get better and stronger. It also helps bring into focus the areas that are noise and distraction for me.

As I reflect back on a year where sometimes things don’t make sense, I hope that my lessons can also help you.

Perhaps you are in the middle of a challenging time and you can’t see your way through. That’s ok. Be patient with yourself and lean into the discomfort a bit.

I once had a boss, who told me to “get comfortable being uncomfortable.” The truth is I am never comfortable being uncomfortable, but it’s a good lesson to sit in during those challenges. So, I offer the same advice for you.

If your mind is spinning, things don’t make sense, you feel rushed on decisions, and nothing feels like the “right choice,” let yourself have those moments. Sometimes your hesitance to jump in feet first is your sign. Sometimes that hesitance leads to the choice being taken away. Sometimes that stings. But, it can also guide you.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a full year since I published any content of my own. I have a backlog to get live. I have voices that have shared their stories that are ready to be heard. But, I’ve been the hold-up at getting those out there.

I guess you could say in the words of Taylor Swift, “hi. It’s me. I’m the problem it’s me.”

So, time to pick myself up and dust myself off. It’s time to set some goals and objectives for a new year and set my path. I’ve worked with Good Gear for Life and they’ve launched my favorite printables. Here are my favorite easy-to-use tools to set my vision, cut the anchor, and to get moving.

Today is just the beginning. 525,600 minutes. 525,600 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes.  How do you measure a year?

Seize it.


Kat Kelly believes in restoration, healing, and fresh starts.


Photo Source: Hello I’m Nik via Unsplash.