Home Rambles & Rants Lesser Known Rules of Business Trust, Truth, and Transparency

Trust, Truth, and Transparency

Trust, Truth, and Transparency
Photo Source: Christina, @wocintechchat, via Unsplash.

Kat Kelly – Scrappy is a term that many small businesses are all too familiar with. Running lean and mean and most of the time in the red is part of the game that start-up owners. Founders must learn to navigate and balance order to build their dreams.

With that in mind, shouldn’t we all be lifting each other up?

As someone who has been building on a vision at what feels like slower than a snail’s pace, I’ve encountered many other small business owners who will talk a good talk on the front end, but they will not see you through. So, here is a quick bite on a few painful learnings and tips as you dip your toes in the icy waters of Scrappytown, USA.

First and foremost, always trust your gut. You’ve heard a lot of people say, “if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.” As much as I hate to be Debbie Downer, that has been my personal experience. Don’t get me wrong, if you have enough lead to test it out, and your gut says to give it a whirl – go for it.

Next up, people are going to have all kinds of advice. That’s really a nice thing and for the most part they mean well. But, you may find when you don’t take their advice, they get bitter, more challenging to work with, recoil, and even lash out. If you have gotten to that point and someone has become hostile, they no longer have your best interest in mind. Don’t be afraid to walk away at that point if you can.

The people and businesses you work with as you are building your dreams should feel trustworthy to you. When working together on building a dream, it is important that the collaborative team feels like they are in your corner. It is a really awful feeling when things start to go south and an air of distrust begins to take over on both sides.

Transparency is also key. Tied closely to trustworthiness, transparency is all about communication. In my humble, yet aging, professional opinion, businesses should be open and honest with one another. When things are going great, let there be a love-fest. When things are off the rails, transparency and open and honest communication are really a mission critical ingredient.

Last but not least, when working with a partner, vendor, small business, or individual, the energy is a very important thing. Don’t discount that. There have been times that I have wanted to walk away from a dealing for one reason or another. As time progressed, the things that created that wish got stronger. If time and space allow, stay in the vibe and distance yourself from things that don’t gel with that.

As human beings and as professionals, we should be lifting each other up, not tearing each other down. The more we move towards that, the better things will turn out.

Kat Kelly is the founder of this network and she’s always surfing in the balance of life, business, and building. This piece was found on the cutting room floor and what was true for her eight years earlier, is still true as of the time of publishing.

Photo Source: Christina, @wocintechchat, via Unsplash.


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