The Weekly Five: Our Virgin Voyage on the Stuff We’re Digging

#werediggingit; #periodicgoodness;

Kat Kelly – Welcome to installment number one of our Weekly Five, which is some of the Stuff We’re Digging this week. I’m not going to lie. We don’t have this thing baked yet. Not 100% sure how we want to tackle this week after week, but what we do know is that we want to share things that we think are pretty awesome.

Some of this will be cool content we found in the Webisphere, some of it will be music, some random stuff, some products; you name it, nothing is off limits. Well, almost nothing is off limits. We aren’t selling spots on our Weekly Ten. If it’s a product and we have an affiliate link, we might include that, but truly the point of this is to share the pure randomness of the inner workings of our heads. Right. Now.

So, here’s our Weekly Five, version one:

1. It’s been a rough week politically. With all of the back and forth on the Religious Freedom Reformation Act and the state of Indiana passing it and Georgia potentially not far behind. No matter what side of this issue you are on, it’s toxically divisive. So, we are happy that there are folks who are willing to take a stand. We hope that love will conquer hate and we can all get on with making the world a better place.

2. Apple Watch: really we haven’t paid as much attention to this as we should. Admittedly, we are a couple of weeks behind on this story. But, we are pretty excited about what it does to the world of personal tracking.

3. WordCamp Atlanta: representing in our hometown. We’ve got a long way to go to get the platform where we would like it to be, so we are thrilled to be able to sponsor this event and use it to connect and learn from so many brilliant folks and companies.

4. Ok, everyone, this is just plain darn funny. Well played, College Humor, well played. “If People Left Parties the Way they Leave Facebook.”

5. Miranda Lambert’s, “Platinum.” Seriously y’all; this record rocks our socks right now. She’s so good. We played her for one of our exes who said, “well, she’s twangy.” Did we mention that it was an ex who said that? Now you know why….

There we go. Those are a few of the things that we are really loving this week. Until next time…thanks for checking us out!


Kat Kelly is the founder of Vexteo and is excited to build this thing.